Donna Marie

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Monday, March 9, 2009

A scary week

Lily started having bloody diarreah and she was constanly feeling hot to me. The pepto wasn't working like it should and I called the vet. I heard the most horrifying words, "We need her to come in so we can test her for Parvo." Anyone who has had a dog, knows how bad Parvo can be. So I made an appointment for Friday, this was Thursday, and lived through the longest 24 hours.

We went to the vet and I couldn't even take Lily inside because if she does have Parvo, it is a very contagious disease and they can't risk getting other animals infected. The nurse then said the silliest thing, "You can stay outside with your dog or you can sit inside." So I can leave Lily in the hot car while I enjoy A/C? No thanks. The test results come back and....No PARVO! YAY!! Although she does have an infection in her tummy and she is on bland food (which she LOVES) and daily antiboitics. She also received 2 shots at the vet visit.

On the plus side, she has gained 1.1 pounds and now weighs 5.1. My baby is growing up!

1 comment:

  1. I bet she weighs more now. But we wouldn't know...

    :P pffffffffft.
