Donna Marie

Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Vacation tickers


PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Just wanted to update on Lily also today.

She has passed 20lbs and she will start training classes on Monday! I am so excited!!


I am so ready to leave College Station and start the next step in my life. I know that I am accomplishing something great, but I really just need to leave. Nearly everyone all my friends have left and graduated. I may feel better Summer II when more come back.

This town has only so much to offer.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A scary week

Lily started having bloody diarreah and she was constanly feeling hot to me. The pepto wasn't working like it should and I called the vet. I heard the most horrifying words, "We need her to come in so we can test her for Parvo." Anyone who has had a dog, knows how bad Parvo can be. So I made an appointment for Friday, this was Thursday, and lived through the longest 24 hours.

We went to the vet and I couldn't even take Lily inside because if she does have Parvo, it is a very contagious disease and they can't risk getting other animals infected. The nurse then said the silliest thing, "You can stay outside with your dog or you can sit inside." So I can leave Lily in the hot car while I enjoy A/C? No thanks. The test results come back and....No PARVO! YAY!! Although she does have an infection in her tummy and she is on bland food (which she LOVES) and daily antiboitics. She also received 2 shots at the vet visit.

On the plus side, she has gained 1.1 pounds and now weighs 5.1. My baby is growing up!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I adopted a puppy on Sunday, February 23, 2009. She was born on 01/01/2009 and is a tri-colored Beagle, named Lily.

She is extremely smart and I just finally made it to where she can't escape from her area while I am at classes. She also knows where her bed is and she gets upset if she can't go lay down in there when she is tired.

I am currently working on no biting, potty training, and not jumping on people. I have been reading up on taking care of puppies and making sure that they are happy and healthy and of course knowing how to teach them that I am dominant not her.

I hope to keep updating this blog so that I will have a record of her growth.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

I am playing with Picasa and showing off my awesome dress from New Years Eve 2008!

Its fun being 21!
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